
Friday, May 31, 2013

Sunburns and Suntans

So, for those of you who do not know, gingers do not tan. Those of us that do are liars and are only darker because their freckles have multiplied to the point of anarchy. Moving to a place such as Hawaii means I will be spending quite a bit of time outdoors, placing me in the path of my natural enemy...the Sun. So, like any other ginger, I must wear sunscreen. Easy fix, right?

Yeah. Not so much.

I have been researching sunscreen and skin protection in wake of my upcoming move, and I realized that I have been lied to! Not really, but I have been following a lot of untrue rules when it comes to avoiding the ball of fire in the sky. Several articles have educated me, but this one summed up everything best:

The New Rules For Sunscreen!

First off, I totally always bought the highest SPF I could find. When I went to Valdosta for a summer program, I brought several 110SPF spray-bottles. And yes, I did still burn. I believed the lie that I could stay out longer! I will say though, it worked to keep bugs away.

This meme lies. I hate sunscreen. It sinks.

I was always jealous of the other kids who went out to tan and never wore sunscreen. I also always glared at those poor creatures who complained about how white they are. Seriously? You poor thing. Your skin isn't tanned? Go cry in a corner and then go outside to catch a bit of skin cancer. To be clear, I was never ever never jealous of their orange skin, but the fact that they did not have to glue themselves to the sides of buildings in order to avoid CancerGiver in the sky.

When did orange skin even become "beautiful" to point where we risk our health for it?

Many of us already know this, but before the 1920's, pale skin was a must for centuries. Tanned skin was a sign of workers in the field and, seriously, what dignified lady wants to look like a fieldhand? Women went so far as to use lead make-up to avoid the BurningBall's terrible rays. Those women also suffered early deaths from lead poisoning.

And then this lady here:

Miss Coco Chanel went on vacation. Legend says that she suffered from an accidental sunburn and when she returned to the public eye, she was sunkissed and tanned. Well then, everyone just had to go out and look like her! Because, we of course must do whatever Coco Chanel does. Around the same time however, Josephine Baker, a Paris singer with "caramel" skin was rising in popularity. These two women were able to push away centuries of pale-skin envy in western culture.


As the years passed, we got another gift from the French: the bikini. Only those who had the time and money to live at the beach/pool wore bikinis. These people were also the ones with the tans. So now, tans are a sign of beach fun! Enter the classic beach/surfer movie! Now everyone must have tans, because, that's what the movie stars have!

Today, apparently, we tan because pale skin is sickly. Also, we want to look like we just came back from the beach, even in the dead of winter. And celebrities. Celebrities are tan, therefore, we must be too. I think this is ridiculous. What sort of reason is that to do anything? Why are we risking cancer and the removal of our skin for the sake of darker skin? What is that going to do for you in life? The closest I have ever gotten to a tan is second-degree burns. Twice.

Ugh. Look at me, getting worked up over this. Tanning reminds me of smoking. But the harm from tanning is much more visible and immediately painful. Both lead to cancer. Both exist only for the sake of vanity. Both will cause our future selves to travel back in time and scold our younger selves. Ugh.

Well then, allow me to calm myself.

So guess what. In China, people wear ski masks at the beach to keep their skin pale.

Asia will laugh at us when we all get skin cancer. And die.

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Summer Time

Summer time when I was a kid:

Summer time now:

Am I alone here? Really, I mean when I was under five feet, I loved Summer. I counted the days down until break. And! I was actually sad to go back the next year.

Now, however, I have grown taller (sort of) and hate this terrible, extended, and utlimately, pointless break. I mean, what am I supposed to do with myself? What did I do last year? Should I read? Should I sleep? Should I watch tv all day? What is the meaning of this?!

I just become bored easily. I also procrastinate. I mean, I should be editing my book, but then I think: "Hey, go check the mail." "Hey, go check the fridge." "Hey, go put tape on the bottom of the cat's feet." And maybe I will get to writing after that. Really though, I just make it to my computer and then I end up on Facebook or some other stupid site.

Hm. I could post some writings here. I could edit the first couple of chapters and post it here for comments and junk.

Yeah! I'll do that! Thank the happy days for goals. I would be a lost wandering child without them.

What was this post even about? Oh yeah, Summer. I have been told that the point of this vacation - or bored hell - is because children used to have to help with "the harvest" and could not attend school. Whether this is true or not is above me, but I am quite sure none of us kids are helping with any sort of harvest. I would prefer school to be longer with more week long breaks. I drown with any more free time on my plate.

And by the way, the date for me to leave is July 3rd! I am definitely counting the days down to that!

Also this:

This is what boredom leads to.

Thursday, May 16, 2013

College Debt

So, being a soon to be freshman - at the University of Hawaii, be jealous! - I have to deal with the issue of coming up with $40,000 to pay for my education. Most humans in this country do not have this sort of money, regardless of how much they save. Even if they have managed to save this amount over the years, they certainly do not have enough saved for all four years of college.

This leads myself and countless others down the road of scholarships. We do obtain said scholarships, but unfortunately, not enough in most cases to completely cover tuition. Now, us unlucky not-millionaires look to loans.

Shoot me now.

I have seen the average yearly student loan amount between $25,000 and $27,000 on different loan websites, but regardless of the actual amount, any number in the thousands is difficult to pay back. Even more so considering that most students can only carry a part-time job with school work and even after graduation, we are not looking at high paying jobs. We have to start at the bottom, regardless of our career path, and claw our way to a decent position.

Meanwhile, our loans wait silently. Waiting. Growing bigger.

Also annoying is the fact that in most cases, the only way to obtain any sort of a job is to be educated. If we are aiming above retail and fast food, that education needs to be from a university. So then, we must collect thousands of dollars in debt. After doing so, we are now suitable for a job, but then we still must prove that we are somehow superior to the hundreds of others applying for the same spot, others who most likely are several years out of school and have experience.


Being the optimistic person I try to be, I look at this impending dark future with the knowledge that I will at least enjoy what I will be doing with my life. I have every intention of paying back my debt, and I am also aware it will take several years, but it will be easier with my career choice. I want to be a translator, an individual that happens to be quite popular. Most do not want the troubles of learning a second/third language, so I have quite a nice chance of landing a position during/after graduation. I also want to write, so still holding on to my optimism, I may earn a bit if I can have something published.

But then again, it is better for me to put my future on learning languages well. Writing is one of those subjective fields where I may end up living on the streets. Cannot have that as my only source of income...

I guess people should try to focus on doing what they love. Or, we could stage a huge take-down-colleges-and-their-empire plot, but I do not see that happening in the next four years. I do not really agree with the stigma that one must have a college degree to be good enough for a position - take for example my field. I could learn a language on my own for less than $40,000, but I would have a difficult time finding a position translating when I compete with those who have degrees - but that is the state of living at the moment. My optimism says: do not attend college with the intention of getting a job for money. Attend college as a stepping stone to the job that will make you happy. Have a reason to wake up each morning.

Also, this is the nice little article that had me thinking about college debt:

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Personality Types and The Enneagram

Something I have always found interesting is personality types, and the way they are studied and categorized. In my PSY 101 class however, I wanted to melt into a puddle and leak away under the door. It was terribly boring to hear about all the scientific studies and biological facts behind why we act the way we do. Sometimes, it even felt dehumanizing. Many believe we act and interact with others only as a means of survival.

That is just too depressing for me. I want to see and experience the color of life, not box it into means of instinct and survive skills.

In saying this, I favor the Enneagram when it comes to reading about personalities. This model is criticized mostly because it is very much open to interpretation. It is not generally taught in an academic course. In fact, it's one of those methods that are taught at self-help seminars. However! It is not complete nonsense that some male created while having fun with pot. Much of the Enneagram makes sense. I promise.

The Enneagram works like this: each person has one dominant type (see the above photograph) and one wing. The wing is connected to the dominant type (see above) and the person only shares certain traits with the wing's type. This is a nice site that explains about the Enneagram:

Warning! This site offers tests to discover your personality type, but seriously, there are tons of free tests on other sites. Do not spend ten dollars on free questions.

So then, what is the point of even bringing the Enneagram up for discussion? Well, it is quite interesting. And, if you happen to be into personality and all, it is refreshing to read about something that does not contain black and white numbers. This model is based more on emotion and how well an individual knows oneself. Also, for the writers/actors out there, the Enneagram can help in fleshing out a character. When writing about someone who is completely foreign to you, it can help to have a tool that gives you insight to what kind of person you are creating. No, this is not going to write your novel, but it is a method of knowing where your characters come from and why they make the choices they do. 

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Human Billboards

So, I am quite a fan of this fantastic website called Tofugu that posts crazy odd news having to do with Japanese culture. What is a "tofugu" you ask? Take 'tofu', veterinarians' best friend and 'fugu', a type of poisonous fish and mash them together!

Yeah. I really have no idea how they came up with the title. But I do know that Fugu is a fish!

Anyways, they recently posted an article about this company called Absolute Territory, who pay people to advertise on a certain part of their body. Check it out:

New Form Of Japanese Advertising Too Sexy?

This reminded me quite a bit of sign spinners. You know, those poor people who have to stand out on roadways and spin signs for hours at a time.

 As odd as America is, I am surprised this trend of body-advertising is not more popular. But then I guess, holding a sign up for strangers is better than tattooing a website's logo to your forehead.

This does not stop some people. Apparently, we are more than welcome to use eBay to auction off our exposed areas to companies who are searching for unique advertising. This one dude was paid over $37,000 for his forehead to carry a website's logo for 30 days. Another woman in Georgia even sold the skin of her pregnant belly for a casino's advertising.

As for this new Absolute Territory trend, I would not be surprised to see it pop up in America. College kids have debts to pay off, you know? Better than selling all of one's body!

Friday, May 3, 2013

Music Post

Ok, this will not become a habit, I promise. This blog does not exist for me to post fangirl obsessions, but I will share this video because it holds relevance to my writing.

So then,

Yes, 30 Seconds to Mars.
Love love love
But not purely for obsessed teenage girl reasons!

What I really like about their music is how each song seems to be background noise for an epic event. Mostly so with their album This Is War, each song is like a different battle in whatever War is happening within the music.

Usually, this is what is playing when I work on Withering and Wakening. I want the story to feel 'epic' when people read it. I do not want readers to have a sense of "Oh, this takes place in one little city." or "Oh how cute! They are having a battle!"


I want that epic feeling people experience when watching Cloud Atlas or even Avatar! Personally, I become frustrated when I read an "adventure" book and the characters barely move anywhere. I want to read stories that take its reader to other places, not cities we kind of, sort of, maybe possibly, have been to. No. Boring.

The point of sharing this song was because it evokes a certain feeling in its listener. It is the same feeling I wish for people to feel within my writing.

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Made From Real Ginger

Bahaha! I can't...
I just...
Oh good lord....

I don't know what it is about this picture, but I just cannot look away...

Offending Gingers

If it is not obvious by the title of this blog or the picture to the right, I am of the redheaded race. To be honest, I never thought much of my hair color. I mean, hair is hair. The only thing that ever bothered me about it while growing up was that it would never stay straight when I wanted it straight. Ha, how petty.

I bring this up because the internet has this odd fascination with the ginger race. I think it is the soulless part. They must be jealous. What is quite odd, is how offended and heated people become when someone cracks a "ginger joke". Anyways, check out the link below.

Honestly, I have heard every single one of these - except number four - and I laugh at each. I have to say, I appreciate the South Park episode that brought our soullessness to light. The public had to find out sooner or later anyways. People should just learn to laugh at themselves. You will never change a person's mind by being offended and shouting - take the annoyed ginger boy's rant on Youtube for example - so why not laugh and throw another joke in?

Most people do not comment on redhair for the sake of offending someone; it is an obnoxious comment, not a malicious one. I mean, they might want to offend you, and it that is their intent, calmly remind them that a lack of soul means a lack of remorse when you are standing over their dead body.