
Thursday, October 24, 2013


So yeah...long time no see! Why? is a mixture of busyness, laziness, and college. But yeah, I thought maybe I should update a bit more. Nothing is quite as depressing as a dead blog floating aimlessly on Google.

What has been happening in my life? Well, Hawaii is great! I have only been sunburned twice! I do not think the sheer beauty of that can be understood unless you also live in a place where the Sun has only been covered by rain clouds three times in the past four months.

How is Japanese? Quite nice. Now that I am more into my classes, Japanese is actually my favorite. Good thing too, I would be in a downward spiral if I learned I had chosen the wrong major.

Interestingly enough, I have actually made friends here. One must understand that I do not enjoy being social nor do I enjoy partaking in the normal college festivities known as parties. Therefor, the fact that I have found others who share my distaste of such things is amazing. The group of us are all actually similar in our anti-socialness, so of course, we are social with one another. Funny how things work out...

The bugs. Oh my gods, the bugs here.

This was outside my dorm.


Another time, my roommate and I were walking at night to go print something from the library. We have amazingly awesome trees here that are perfect for climbing, however, that is frowned upon. So, since no one was around, I decided to finally climb a tree. It was super dark so I just went to the trunk and I was just all ready to start climbing, but then, I saw something moving on the branch above me. I stared for a moment and realized it was a centipede. Not just a normal centipede, but a freaking giant monster creature. It was the length of my forearm. You do not understand how quickly I ran away. I was so disturbed.  

The main problem however are the cockroaches. I think we have removed ten or so from our room alone. I have removed more from the hallway and once I opened the trash chute and found a horde. They are not here because we are messy and dirty - even though our room is quite messy in itself - so please do not assume the building is filthy; these bugs just happen to be everywhere! I have mastered the art of catching and flushing said creatures. However, if a centipede is ever discovered in our room...things will be bad.

Hmmm, what else to talk about...

Well, I was in Waikiki one day and a group of Japanese tourist asked to take a picture with me. Apparently, they really liked my hair.

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