
Monday, July 8, 2013

Things I Have Noticed...

So, I have been in the state of Hawai'i for a few days now and have already noticed a few very new, very unexpected things.


This is more so in Waikiki and the tourist areas, but there are quite a bit of people who walk around with umbrellas to keep the sun off them. I actually thought it was a good idea, but seriously though, a thin piece of fabric stretched over tines is not going to keep the Sun's cancer rays from reaching you. I still have to roll in sunscreen before venturing near windows.

These umbrellas are easily distinguished from rain umbrellas. These sun-umbrellas look much nicer and are generally made from lace and pretty fabrics. They look quite nice, very elegant. Typically, I have seen Asian women with these and I suppose that comes from a culture where pale skin is beautiful before dark and tanned skin. I like that way of thinking. I stick out terribly with my albino-ness next to all these tanned people.

Bikes and Walking

So, an amazing thing happened today. I went out for lunch with my mother and came back with a brand new mountain bike. Woop! I was not expecting one until christmas.

So, I have been told by every student I have spoken with that you can walk anywhere you need to go. Many even walk all the way to Waikiki and to the beach. That is about 2.5 miles and through heavy heavy traffic. I supposed that is just surprising since I am used to each individual having their own car. Also, bikers are an annoyance in Gainesville; it is their job to move out of the car's way. It is nice to have the right-of-way here.

When it starts to rain, I am sure it will be hell trying to get to class.


Cats are everywhere. Everywhere.

These stray creatures just wander around, sleeping under parked cars and hanging with pigeons. They travel in herds and do not like people. Well, unless you throw food at them. Then they will become your best friends.


The birds here are fearless.

When I was still in a hotel, this bird just flew right in and made itself at home. Actually, there was another, but I could not get both in the same picture. The birds just hoped around for a while, in my hotel room, enjoying the carpet. And then, when they felt like it, they flew away.

The larger pigeons will not move for you. I almost ran over several on my bike because they would not move out of the way. I had to move! Since when do birds just stand still? I could probably catch one easily! And then be attacked by its pigeon friends. It would be like messing with the Cuccos in Zelda. We laugh one minute and drown beneath feathers the next.

And yeah, those are the stand-out odd things so far.

Oh, I found this on a dumpster.

It is odd also...

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